G Général

SuperSonic AeroLiner 2015 Fenir's

SuperSonic AeroLiner 2015 Fenir's

The Boeing Sonic Cruiser was a concept airliner with a delta wing-canard configuration. It was distinguished from conventional jet airliners by its delta wing and high-subsonic cruising speed of up to Mach 0.98.

This is one sexy aeroplane! A Streamline Super Sonic Airliner. Up to 32 passengers! Easy to cruse for the everyman/everywoman. Built to scale 60x50, this a artistic representation of a concept Boeing sonic airliner.

More colors or alter logos available upon request for free, with you supplying said logo. This plane is pink!

Full Perm (see user licensed http://tinyurl.com/pgruch2 )! Full perm scripts as well, learn, mod, build on the shoulders of giantesses.

This plane won't fall out of the sky, stall, explode, make earl grey tea hot, spiral out of control, have the camera freak out, etc. again if you want uber silly realism script your own stuff, and or go play MS flightsim '98, ya foogy!
Two blue photos are renders in workbench, SL will never look this good! :(

  • Easy to fly
  • up to 32 passangers
  • pilot seat agnostic, owner sit any place and fly
Note moyenne : étoile pleine étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide
  • 5 étoile :
  • 4 étoile :
  • 3 étoile :
  • 2 étoile :
  • 1 étoile :
would it kill you to write some instructions??
étoile pleine étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide Publié le 11/9/2022 de MissRosenkrantz

Impossible to figure out on my own...

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?
étoile pleine étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide étoile vide Publié le 11/1/2021 de CelticShadowWarrior

Can not even raise the landing gear. Can't complain too much because of the price, but leaves a lot to be desired.

Cet avis vous a-t-il été utile ?