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Baroque Chair White/Black

Baroque Chair White/Black
Baroque Chair White/Black

This lovely low prim mesh baroque chair contains 10 different high quality animation inside including eat and drink animation!
Land impact is 2
Copy only!
Chair is not modify but it includes resize script inside,just touch chair and resize menu will pop up in your upper right corner of screen!
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Boudoir™ label was founded in 2009 and since then we are here to make your Second Life worth living, providing you with high quality original items.
If you are looking for unique and fabulous creations you'll find them in Boudoir™!
All items are designed by the award-winning RL designers and artists, multiple winners of AvieChoice awards for Female Fantasy/RP Fashion and best Stage/Theater Costume design and Rezzie award for best gothic builds!

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L$ 260

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Vendu par : BoudoirDecor

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Réexpédition automatique
Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 2