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[CC] Halls of Story Grand Gazebo Set

[CC] Halls of Story Grand Gazebo Set
[CC] Halls of Story Grand Gazebo Set
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...Near the shore, the stained glass dome of the huge gazebo glittered under the violet sunset. The storytellers gathered under the graceful forms to tell their traditional sunset poems and stories. I stood there, transfixed by the sights, transported to faraway realms by their voices...

The Halls of Story
The Apprentices Journal



All contents are copy/mod/no trans, but scripts and poses, which are only copy.

-[CC] Halls of Story Fountain, Grand Gazebo 13.8mts/ Mossy White Marble: 13.8 X 13.8 Footprint, 56 L.I. Two parts: 47 Gazebo, 9 Gazebo Lamp
-[CC] Halls of Story Fountain, Grand Gazebo 13.8mts/ White Marble: 13.8 X 13.8 Footprint, 56 L.I. Two parts: 47 Gazebo, 9 Gazebo Lamp
-[CC] Halls of Story Fountain, Grand Gazebo 13.8mts/ Mossy Black Marble: 13.8 X 13.8 Footprint, 56 L.I. Two parts: 47 Gazebo, 9 Gazebo Lamp
-[CC] Halls of Story Fountain, Grand Gazebo 13.8mts/ Black Marble: 13.8 X 13.8 Footprint, 56 L.I. Two parts: 47 Gazebo, 9 Gazebo Lamp

-[CC] Halls of Story Fountain, Grand Gazebo 27.5mts/ Mossy White Marble: 27.5 X 27.5 Footprint, 112 L.I. Three parts: 64 Gazebo, 36 Dome, 12 Lamp
-[CC] Halls of Story Fountain, Grand Gazebo 27.5mts/ White Marble: 27.5 X 27.5 Footprint, 112 L.I. Three parts: 64 Gazebo, 36 Dome, 12 Lamp
-[CC] Halls of Story Fountain, Grand Gazebo 27.5mts/ Mossy Black Marble: 27.5 X 27.5 Footprint, 112 L.I. Three parts: 64 Gazebo, 36 Dome, 12 Lamp
-[CC] Halls of Story Fountain, Grand Gazebo 27.5mts/ Black Marble: 27.5 X 27.5 Footprint, 112 L.I. Three parts: 64 Gazebo, 36 Dome, 12 Lamp

-[CC] Halls of Story Hanging Crystal Lamp 2.0: Scripted Crystal Wall Lamp, L.I. 1

BONUS: Scripted benches that sit two, with poses for male, (m) female (f) and boths (bi), in the four texture variants, mossy white, mossy black, black and white. No Cuddles, all PG poses.

[CC] Bonus H of S Bench, (Sits 2, No Cuddles) - 4 L.I.


* Beautiful gazebo in two scales
13.8m Footprint, 56 L.I. : 47 Gazebo, 9 Lamp
27.5m Footprint, 112 L.I. : 100 Gazebo, 12 Lamp
* 4 Texture Variants; White Mossy Marble,
White Marble, Black Mossy and Black.
* Scripted Stained Glass Dome with
9 color variants and optional transparency
* Scripted Crystal Lamps with 10 color options
with optional particle effects.
* Bonus Bench that sits 2 (PG)
* Bonus scripted Wall Crystal Lamp
* Beautifull Detail, Custom Meshes and Textures
* Deletable Script, Modular Build


1) You can safely add or delete parts on the gazebo or lamps, the script will adapt to changes - do not change parts description field, the script identifies them thus.

2) Do not remove the seating cushion on the benches, they need at least two parts (cushion and bench itself) in order for av sitter to sit two.


And Thats it! Thanks so much for your support. If you have doubts feel free to drop me a notecard or IM.
Elicio Ember
Cerridwen's Cauldron

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L$ 750

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Cerridwen's Cauldron
Cerridwen's Cauldron
Vendu par : Elicio Ember

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