The best fun you'll have this Christmas! Race around on your turbo sledge, complete with motor, exhausts with particle snow, bells, antlers, decorations, flashing fairy lights, license plate...
This Turbo Christmas Sledge has been created with some of the best sculpties, textures and poses you can find in SL.
Simply wear your sledge from your inventory - it attaches to stomach. This means you can use your sledge in no rez areas. Ensure your AO is off if it interferes with the included pose.
Makes an excellent and fun gift for friends and family.
Khargo offers furniture, landscaping items, some houses, pools, custom builds and decorating advice
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Wearable sledge attachment - use in no rez areas
- Perfect for gifting
- made with the best sculpties, poses and textures you can find in SL
- Item also available to buy in world
Really Awesome
The sled is a very fun ride. I especially love the sculpted black ravens
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