## CI ## Flying Carpet AO (boxed)
The ## CI ## Flying Carpet AO includes 25 copy/mod animated poses for female sorted as follows:
- 10 stands
- 1 walk
- 1 run
- 1 Fly
- 1 Fly Up
- 1 Fly Down
- 1 Hover
- 1 Jump
- 1 Pre-jumping
- 1 Land
- 1 Fall
- 1 Sit
- 1 Ground Sit
- 1 Crouch
- 1 Turn Right
- 1 Turn Left
The AO is meant to be used along with the Flying Carpet provided. This carpet is scripted so it repositions itself depending on the anim played by the ao. This means the carpet may fail to properly reposition itself on areas where the use of scripts is disabled.
All animations are copy / mod.
You can try each animation (& purchase them) separately in our store at the following location:
Creative Insanity
Voir l'article dans Second LifeL$ 350
Utilisation immédiate
cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.
- Copier
- Modifier
- Transférer
- Soumis à licence utilisateur