CJ Creations presents:
Rock Pile + Grass Arrangement with cute Couple ofRing-billed Gull, Crane + Crab for your land with very low Prim/Li = only 10 for all!
Great Texture, realistic looking + scripted Water, one cute couple of Ring-billed Gull and very nice Grassplants for your Landscaping
Partial Mesh - Do not change the Physics Shape Types because this product is carefully constructed for minimal land impact/prim count.
Changing the Physics shape type could prevent correct collisions and/or raise your land impact/prim count (as with all mesh).
(Script no mody)
Take a look at the pics here and see yourself how nice it can be on your land
Enjoy and please remember to leave a Review after Purchase - Thank you ♥
Caren Jewell
CJ Creations
- very low Prim/Li - only 10 for all
- Permission: copy + mody / Scripts no mody
- looks very realistic
- Mesh enabled viewer required
- partial Mesh and animated Water
CJ Blue Sea + Rock Pile + Grass Arrangement with Crane...
PERFEKT Looks great in our Garden..........ty
Great price, very little land impact and an all round must for any beach scene.