Funny large cartoony fish......swims on easily programmable path (you can even have them leap in the air!). Rezz a whole school if you like, or hop on one for a wild water ride. Mouth opens and closes and tail swishes as he swims.
Many other fun animals and gifts in my Cartoonimals island shop. Elephants, chimps(watch out for the poo-flinger!), tree climbing snakes, croaking frogs on lilypads, giraffes, hopping kangaroos, hippos (with little hopping birds on their back), programmable path flying toucans, walking turtles, flamingo families(with baby!), alligators, lions, walking stench-cloud emitting skunks, animated programmable path fish, wacky hats, Dance Chims, cartoony plants bushes flowers and trees, T-shirts, pajamas with funny slippers, goofy gifts and more!
-- Adorable Cartoonimals Tip/Donation Jars!!!!!
--Wearable shoulder critters and Itty Bitty Pocket Pets!!!!
--Cartoonmial Dances machines for home or club!!!!!!!
Shop is in format of an Island Zoo. Come visit!: