G Général

Catalina Retail Store

Catalina Retail Store

The Stageline Retail / Venue provides a great place to host all your events and retail sales. Whether your setting up a music venue or just looking for a unique open space for displaying your products this building can provide you with that country / modern feel that is sometimes hard to find in SL. This building can be seen in-world by following the URL Listing.

Foot Print is approx 45 X 60
This is a large building that should have extra room around the base for landscaping.

This Building is sold as: COPY,MODIFY, NO TRANSFER so that you can re-texture, add or delete parts of the build.

Land Impact = 250

Rez- Free Instructions:

Thank You for purchasing a Brick and Mortar Designs building it has been packaged using the Rez-Free system. Rez-Free allows you to easily move, and rotate structures that are too big to link as easily as if they were linked. Simply by moving the Rez-Free anchor object, your entire structure will move in the direction of the anchor box. The building will move along the same path as the anchor box.

To set up your build:

1. Drop the Rez Free Box onto the ground.

2. Move the Rez Box (use edit mode) near the center of where you want the building to be( the GREEN Arrow points toward the front of the building). Raise the box so that it's approx 3 meters or so off the ground that way the building doesn't rez below the ground level.

3. Select "Rez" from the menu. Wait for the entire structure to rez( This can take up to 1 minute or so in high lag areas).

4. Move and rotate the Rez-Free Box until the building is in the location that you want it. I suggest moving the box until the building just starts to move into the ground (maybe 1/4 of the way up the lowest first step).

5. When you're done, click "Finish", which will freeze your build into position. You may then delete the Rez-Free package.

You may also choose to "Store" your build, which, along with saving, will store the position and rotation of every link set in the object's description.

All of my builds are, COPY, MODIFY, NO TRANSFER so that you can change textures or add and remove pieces if you so desire.


If a portion of your building does Not rez or if a section of it gets returned to you inventory because it was not on your property, then simply click the Rez-Free Box and choose "De-Rez", then move the box to a point closer to the center of the property and Select "Rez" from the Menu again.

If you have any problems, questions or suggestions please send me a Note card since IM's sometimes get capped or lost.

My Avatar may show that I'm "Online" that does NOT mean I am at my computer. I will get back to you A.S.A.P

Thank You, Darryl Streeter
Brick and Mortar Designs !

Refund Policy: I do not do refunds or exchanges since I make all my builds as copy and modify. If you have an issue with any of my products I will do my best to correct any problems or defects.

Contact Info: Feel free to drop me a notecard in world and I will get back to you A.S.A.P

If you would like a to have a slightly modified version of one of my builds just ask and I'll see what I can do to make it suit your needs better.

Thanks for your interest in Brick and Mortar Designs!

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Mesh
  • Low land impact
  • Water Feature
  • Animations
  • Open Floor Plan