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Child skin and shape - Boy kid Sebastian, Deluxe Body Factory

Child skin and shape - Boy kid Sebastian, Deluxe Body Factory

- Skin designed for young boys (copy)
- Child shape (modifiable, copy). Foot size 0, hand size 10.
- Eyebrow shaper (modifiable, copy)

Tattoo layers (copy):
- Eyebrows, 6 options
- Freckles for face and/or chest
- Band aid for nose
- Skinned knee
- Skinned knee with one band aid
- Skinned knee with two band aid (crossed)

- Windlight settings used for the advert photo
- Styling card

You are encouraged to try a demo for best experience of this skin and shape combo for boys, see the link to your right or visit Deluxe Body Factory's main store in-world Second Life.

Remember to check out the related items below for more products from Deluxe Body Factory and please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions :)

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Modifiable shape
  • Freckles, brows, skinned knee, band-aid on tattoo layer
  • Modifiable eyebrow shaper
  • PG skin for young boys, children, kids and teenagers
  • Fat-pack with huge discount, free demo available
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Pretty good overall avatar base
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 4/8/2019 de AliceUley

I really like the style and tone of the avi, but I'm struggling with making it look similar to the picture, especially in the face. the face looks much older then the rest of the avi, some advice on how to fix that would be great! Thanks

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Awesome product
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 24/2/2014 de UberCute Fairey

I wear the shape and skin with the SMB Mesh kid's shape and they work great together. Also love that it gives red hair eyebrows option, red haired eyebrows can be really hard to find and to have them work well.

Biggest thing I do not like is the "freckles" layer, does not look much different than without.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 8/11/2013 de Pixie Kobichenko

Not sure what the other poster is talking about- if they looked at the sliders they'd have seen the sliders on zero. This shape has NO breasts- if they wanted, they could have widened the tummy to reduce the proportion of the rib cage...

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Not happy.
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 20/7/2013 de Cadence Ravenhurst

The avatar did not look like the one in the picture. And had disturbingly large breasts. I ended up using this skin, but had to buy another shape--a freebie actually that worked out much better.

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