Aphrodite Presents: New Rocking cradle for Moms & Babies "My first Christmas"
From our Heart Homes furnitures brand, furnitures made with love!
This fantastic xmas cradle is multipurpose furniture which combines a rocking chair and cradle in a simple furniture layout. You can comfortably read a book or sing a lullaby while softly swinging the rocking chair which also rocks the cradle. This versatile furniture helps the mother to monitor her baby’s sleep while comfortably sitting in a rocking chair.
Cradle rocking chair: comfortable and relaxing safe! It is about creating a safe, comfortable and relaxing environment in which the user can dissipate the over stimulation of their senses.
Why do babies fall asleep to rocking motions? (cradle,chair, mother's arms, etc)?
While a baby is still inside Mommy, there is never a moment when it isn't being moved by its mother. Even sleeping, Mom produces some motion simply with her breathing. Once a baby is born, all of that constant background stimulation suddenly disappears, as does the white noise of Mom's heartbeat. It's actually a security issue that causes babies to require so much motion, so many blankets, and some to crave the soft sound of music or recorded heartbeats. The best ever that we can give to our babies is not to miss this feeling.
This fantastic cradle is multipurpose furniture which combines a rocking chair and cradle
in a simple furniture layout. You can comfortably read a book or sing a lullaby while softly
swinging the rocking chair which also rocks the cradle. This versatile furniture helps the
mother to monitor her baby’s sleep while comfortably sitting in a rocking chair.
Cradle rocking chair: comfortable and relaxing safe! What can you do with this cradle:
♥ Many mother interactions with her baby: breastfeed, feed with bottle, baby burp, lullaby
sing to your baby, play guitar to your baby, rock your baby sited or standing, put your baby
to sleep, kiss baby goodnight,wrap up baby with cover, caressing baby, play with her baby.
♥ Mother activities: reading a book "My baby, my life", resting, sitting comfy.
♥ Family activities: YES father can participate too! sitting listening (mother singing or
playing guitar), kiss Mommy, hug mom comforting her, proud parents watching our baby
to sleep and much more!
♥ Cover opens and closes. Rocking motion rocks or stops on click. Cover changes to 38 Christmas fabrics, wood to 6 woods. mummy pillows fabric into 28 Christmas textures and colours.
♥ This cradle is covered with the finest curtains for your baby protection and comfiness but also decorated with beautful sunflowers.
♥ Includes all props (book for dad, book for mom, "poinsetia" playable guitar, milk bottle, etc)
♥ Playable long song to sleep your baby "My littlest angel", (clicking on the top of the curtains)
♥ Works with ALL prims babies of SL any size or type
♥ Includes a baby Christmas panda toy and a polar bear rug as gift!!
If you like our product PLEASE review it! We will TRULY appreciatte your time and kindness with a nice gift!!
Copyrighted product by
Marina Ramer & Jaylin Whitewood
- rocking chair
- baby bed
- baby cradle
- baby crib
- rocking bed
Your baby will love this!!!!
I got this crib and I love it so much !!!! The animations on it are great I love how the father can help with getting the baby to sleep as well if you are looking for a crib that is very realistic this it is right here!!!!!!