G Général

Church Props

Church Props

This pack of church props contains the following:

- a 2-seat church pew, LI=3
- a marble altar, LI=2
- a silk, gold-embroidered altar runner, LI=1
- a brass altar candle, LI=2
- a silver altar candle, LI=2
- a golden altar cross, LI=1
- a silver altar cross, LI=1
- a golden chalice, LI=1
- a silver chalice, LI=1
- a candelabra, LI=5, can be changed to brass, silver, copper, bronze and rust

Check out the items in-world by clicking the link below.

Check out the free tabernacle add-on, the chandelier and the chapel of Saint Denis de Montjoie in the related items list below too.

* Disclaimer: the items are Mod. The scripts inside are No Mod. Land Impacts may change upon resizing.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
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Stunningly Beautiful
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 3/9/2023 de CollinPaulDeMarco

Goes so well with the Chapel of Saint Denis de Montjoie...... stunning I am so pleased with its perfection !!! - beautiful pews and stone alter plus runner and menus to alter items from Gold or Silver .....

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 18/5/2023 de SophiePantyhose

Excellent ensemble d'accessoires pour Eglise ou chapelle. Merci.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 12/1/2023 de ColeLaScotta

This has to be one of the most beautifully made things I have purchased on SL (and I purchase a lot!!). It's just gorgeous, well made and regal. x

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