Combine Sentry Gun
"Combine Sentry Guns are fully autonomous tripodal pulse weapons used by the Combine to guard choke points and vital areas.
Turrets are one of the many human technologies adapted by the Combine for their own use after the Seven Hour War. The guns are often deployed as static defenses, used to guard areas that are infrequently patrolled."
Fully scripted. Sounds and FX.
High tech movement sensor.
Respawn version included.
Group only version included.
Deploying HUD included for quick rez
So easy to knock down it shouldn't be a feature!
*now updated with raycast detection, wich shouldnt let the turrets see targets hiding behind walls or high enough cover.
Prefer this to the portal version
Portal version is great but wanted something a little different. Would love to see a sci-fi version ( lasers and or phasers, etc. ) that was mobile and killable.