- DAMNED - DollyFace with theeth & HairBase/ 4 versions [BXD]
*** (( obs: NEW - DAMNED - Female Skins avaliables on the link bellow or at our mainstore in world.
https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/71331 )) ***
DollyFace makeup come in 4 versions :
1 - Pinkblush cheeks + teeths + eyeliners + hairbase
2 - Pinkblush cheeks + teeths + eyeliners
3 - Pinkblush cheeks + eyeliners + hairbase
4 - Pinkblush cheeks + eyeliners
you'll for sure fall in love with this new makeup :D
Voir l'article dans Second LifeBeautiful!!!!
look forward for the lashes; name Perfect Lashes from DAMNED, awesome, perfect macth!!! 30 stars here.
i ♡ this!
i have quite a lot of individual face tattoo layers that i wear at the same time (hair base, teeth, beauty mark, etc) - but the problem is those using a different viewer to mine (SL Viewer 2) will only see the first tattoo layer because they do not have the added layer tattoo facility.
my original skin and make are highly detailed already but the added blush of this make-up gives a young freshness and i love the fact that i can now wear the hair base and teeth at once.
these linked layers are brill idea as now others using a different viewer will see what i see - all the layers at once!