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DDD Gray Eyes [ADD]

DDD Gray Eyes [ADD]
DDD Gray Eyes [ADD]
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Our set of DDD Gray Eyes are a must in everyone's inventory. Starting with a basic but detailed eye, our DDD Gray Eyes feature two different eyes along with different sclera backgrounds as well. First we have a basic light gray eye and also a darker one. Each has both a light almost white sclera as well as a blood drenched red one too. These eyes & options are perfect for mixing & matching.
The DDD Gray Eyes available in this package are: Omega Applier, Mesh, and also BOM. The eyes are copy so you have no fear of losing them if you do need a copy.
As with all eyes, you may need to edit the position of the eyes to look proper within your avatar.
DDD Gray Eyes are an essential item for all, so grab your set today.

For more horror inspired eyes, drop by DeaD's Death Depot today:

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L$ 199

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DeaD's Death Depot
DeaD's Death Depot
Vendu par : Sinobyte

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