Belleza Freya Mod DSD package.
- 5 Stump Sizes
- Omega-Ready Tattoo/Skin
- Bom-Ready
- Extra Scar Layer
Here is explanation of different packages:
DAK - Double Above Knee amputation with partial thighs left
DHD - Double Hip Disarticulation amputation with absolutely no thigh left
DBK - Double Below Knee amputation
DAE - Double Above Elbow amputation with partial upper arms left
DBE - Double Below Elbow amputation
DSD - Double Shoulder Disarticulation amputation with absolutely no arm left
How to BOM your Freya body?
How to wear skin for your stumps?
1) You need an Omega Skin Applier from your skin maker. Most popular skin makers provide Omega Skin Appliers for their products.
2) Purchase Omega Installer/Relay for DK scripts, which can be found here:
3) Wear Omega Installer/Relay HUD and your Omega Skin applier HUD. Click Omega Skin Applier, and done!
- 5 Stump Sizes
- BOM ready
- Extra scar layer
- Omega-Ready