DSD_Wolf3 White
Modular and segmented body with alpha cuts
Detailed HUD
Dynamic blush layer
Smoothly animated talking
Full SL version of the avatar included, with full perms skin textures for appliers
Digitigrade and Plantigrade legs
Choice of female, male and femboy bodies
Development kit
Recolorable toes fingers and claws
3 head versions - one for other bodies and one unrigged
Mature option included
Voir l'article dans Second LifeVersitile kit to use with its own body and everything you need to use it on any oter popular mesh body
I am well known of having "Frankensteined" avatars )using a head from one and parts from several others to make the character look exactly like I want it). I looked at this one, read revues and liked the head shape, as it gave the look of a younger wolf. It turned out perfect , as I have it set up on a Maitreya body as a charter in her late teens / early 20's with a demure, realistic proportioned body shape. The head looks good for AV;s in the same age range. (LFE works best for older mature wolves and Raawr looks good for in between). The skin looks nice, and I used it as a BOM skin. The tail has animations, shape adjustments and lift stages. Ears have 5 expression positions.
The only complaint I have are the eyes need a touch more work....I can't get them crystal clear like on other avatars, but they still work.
Suggestion for the creator for upgrades / future versions...since you are working on mesh, pleas expand on facial expressions, You have a few on the brow, but are forgetting the mouth...look at the Werehous Keitiff raccoon to see what I mean...smiles, snarls and aghast expression.
Overall, a very good kit...det up to use as a Classic, it's own mesh body and versions of the head to place on popular make mesh bodies so you can use a wide variety of cloths that are available, such as the Maitreya Lara for females and Aesthetic for males. Very happy with what I got and the price is correct with all the features.
The perfect balance
Ive always been extremely pleased with DSD avatars ive owned over the years, and the V3 wolf is no exception. The style is ideal for someone who wants realistic body proportions and a nice hybrid style between realism and a more artificial appearance. Its a bit difficult to describe, you have features like more "artistic anatomical idealist" eyes and head structure, a human width neck, a pretty normally proportioned body and legs, and then very well done digitigrade legs alongside it. The coloring and meshwork is designed to seem neutral, your avatar doesnt stick out, it blends into a crowd, its not super detailed, the mesh doesnt have two billion polygons, its clean and simple and gives off an aura of "hi, im overwhelmingly average."
And thats not a bad thing, in SL theres a lot of incredibly detailed avatars and they have their own merit, and theres many simple avatars and they have their own as well. This is somewhere inbetween, normal, non stand-offish, you dont need 500 blush location and tints on your cheeks, you dont need a slider for the jiggle intensity of your calves when running at specific speeds.
This avatar gives you a friendly and universal appearance, an easy to use, simple and still feature rich enough set of HUD options for tweaks and alphas, and with the base style of the avatar its pretty easy to mod it with other things you may like, i myself got different hair and some glasses and decided that was enough alongside my tshirt and shorts.
To summarize the point im trying to make, this is the perfect avatar for someone who wants their furry identity to be just normal, average, someone who doesnt want to stand out in any way. For some people that wont be for you, but for me and many others who love these DSD avatars its absolutely perfect.