G Général

DV Narrow Curtain - Full Perm (add)

DV Narrow Curtain - Full Perm (add)

▶ ▶ DV Narrow Curtain - Full Perm - ToS ◀ ◀

Resell ONLY as part of a build!

● Content:

2 Full Perm mesh models + mesh plane

UV, Shadow and Light maps

● Terms of Service:

This model or any parts of it may NOT be:

- used in hunts, or as group gifts
- given as free
- resold as it is
- resold with full permissions
- resold with copy and transfer permissions
- models, maps and textures may not be transfered to other avatars or grids.

Resell ONLY as part of a build!

● You do not have my consent and permission to create and sell full perm textures (using my UV, Shadow and Light maps) for any of my full perm item.

Thank you
Honey Icechant

Voir l'article dans Second Life