G Général

Dancing Jet System 3

Dancing Jet System 3

This item and many others can be seen in world!
Dancing Water Display
The Dancing Water Fountain is operated with a left click to activate its menu driven options.

Fountain menu

AUTO - Open the Automatic menu and choose one from three automatic programs.

ON - Set the pipes on with a static water jet in the selected hight

OFF - Stop the pipes (also Automatic programs)

EFFECTS - Choose from 9 manual effects

LIGHT - Enable/Disable the water particle fullbright

SOUND - Enable/Disable water sounds

HEIGHT - Set the water height from 2.0 to 10.0

Please contact Bf2 Shepherd with any questions or custom requests..Thanks.

Voir l'article dans Second Life Afficher la vidéo view_wishlist: Voir et partager votre liste de souhaits »
  • Menu Driven (9 presents)
  • On/Off switch for particles & Sounds
  • Auto display feature
  • Low Lag
  • Particle Brightness control
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Just rezzed it... Works good so far!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 29/3/2022 de Finite Bade

This looks great outside of my Music Studio in the Plaza.. It's programmable and you can make edits to it apparently like adding your own sounds. It would be fine if I just left it the way it comes (but I probably won't) :P

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