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░░░░░░ !! All Skintones - FATPACK !! ░░░░░░
This product includes all available Skintones PLUS the AddonsPack.
Separate Skintones available Inworld!
Also compatible with Catwa EVOX, Logo EVOX & Akeruka (AK) EVOX
Body skins are available separately at DeeTaleZ or at Velour Store.
Each skintone of that Skin "BASIC PACK" includes 6 Skins (on BOM tattoo system layers) with different brows (blond, red, ginger, brown, black, nobrows); Lipsstick red/pink, Blush, Contouring Layer, Ears, Neckfix Addon or BuildIn (to use with 3rd party Bodyskins), Eyeliners & Eyeshadows PLUS free Shape and Browfixer (to shape your brows)
The "ADDONS PACK" comes with this FatPack !
It includes a lot more additional Layers like Lipstick (tintable), Blushremover, Cheekbones, Freckles or Moles, Veins and more ...
░░░░░░░░ Info ░░░░░░░
Available Skins in the Store (BOM and HUDS) for:
* LeLutka EVOX (and older)
* Catwa HDPRO (and older)
* GENUS 4K (and older)
Available body & attachments Skins
(separately, NOT included!) :
* Maitreya Body Lara & Lara X (Addons Petit & Flat)
* Legacy Bodies
* eBody Reborn (+ Addons)
* INITHIUM Kupra & Kupra KUPS
* Belleza Body GenX
* SLink Physique Body / Hands & Feet
* AddOns like Sport/Fitness, Chubby, Cleavage, Hair ...
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Dear Customer,
we are thankful for every FAIR rating you give our products.
If there is ANY issue with one of our products please feel free to contact us Inworld via IM, Notecard Or Email!
If you didnt receive your item, please visit our redeliver terminal inworld or use Marketplace Redeliver function!
All rights reserved. All Items created by Steffi Villota, Dark Hennesy and DeeTaleZ®´s CO-Designers are under Copyright of DeeTaleZ® GbR and for use in the Second Life® Grid only. You are not allowed to copy, reproduce, duplicate, process, distribute or resell any part of the creations without permissions by DeeTaleZ® GbR.
Copyright infrigement is a serious offence punishable by law. Anyone using any kind of copybot to redistribute items will be found and prosecuted under the copyright laws of their country, resulting in a fine or possible imprisonment.
Voir l'article dans Second Life