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.DirtyStories. Waist Sweater

.DirtyStories. Waist Sweater

.DirtyStories. Waist Sweater
All 20 colors included <3

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Publié le 29/11/2017 de Father Daddy

It's not bad but it's not great either, which is why I'm giving this 3 stars...

First off, I had no idea that this product was unrigged. Big problem. I wish it had come with a demo or at least stated in the description that it was unrigged. Not very kind of the creator.

Second, and this isn't a problem buuut.... In the picture, it shows all of the textures in what looks like a HUD. You get all of them separate as a bunch of different objects. There's no HUD. Just letting future buyers know.

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So not worth it
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 14/10/2016 de Phantom21666

The design is cute as a button, and the quality is great. But you cannot wear the stupid thing unless you are super small and have ass. It's so annoying! It had so many colors too! >.> Not happy.

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L$ 269

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


.Dirty Stories.
.Dirty Stories.
Vendu par : DontLeaveMeAlone

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