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Drow Science Zeppelin DZ-1 Zephyr v.1

Drow Science Zeppelin DZ-1 Zephyr v.1
Drow Science Zeppelin DZ-1 Zephyr v.1
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Luxurious air-liner in the style of the famous Zeppelins of the 1920s and 1930s - the golden age of aviation!

The Zephyr-Class offers comfortable seating for 6 passengers and workstations for 5 crew members (pilot included) in the cockpit section.

With 64 meters length the Zephyr-Class is most likely the largest thing you will ever see in the skies of Second Life. Well, it is for sure the most elegant one!

Additional to the flyable version, a static one without flight script for permanent docking is also included.

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L$ 1 999

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Drow Science
Vendu par : Somehow Peccable

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