Pretty 1-prim stained glass lamp with a faint glow, not too much, just right! Mesh
Created to go with the gold nightstand for the Venetian sitting room in blue; see below
Voir l'article dans Second LifeNOT AS COLORFUL AS EXPECTED, but OK.
Not an ugly piece, but I have prettier, more vivid stained glass that cost less. Rezzed fine. NOTE that it is no copy. After bad luck with things vanishing from sims that disappeared unexpectedly, I don't usually pay more than 5L for no copy items unless they are gacha and no other options exist for truly rare must have items. However, I have only myself to blame for that as it is clearly stated that it is no copy. Guess they think you should buy 2 if you want 2 in your house, but... been bitten.
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