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Echelon - Riley Essence Skins

Echelon - Riley Essence Skins

Echelon - Riley Essence Skins

The Riley Essence Skins features realistic skin tones and fine female detailing. Characterized with natural earthy tones makeup. There are 8 skins all together, with a combination of different variations such as hairbase, bald head, cleavage, normal breast size, pubic hair or shaved.

Also included are 2 tattoo layers which act as a skin lightener and tanner, eyes and eyebrow shaper.

Demo available please check my other listings.

Note: Shape or Hair is not included. The shape is the Riley shape, available in my other listings. The hair is Tashia from Truth. Photos use the StrawberrySingh.com windlight settings. Best viewed with the Starlight windlight settings.

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Another Very Beautiful. Realistic, and Natural Looking Skin
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 25/7/2013 de Karolyne Muircastle

Earlier I wrote a review of the Riley Fantasia Skin. I liked it so much I could not keep myself from buying this Essence Skin also. And as to the quality of this skin I will only need to repeat what I said about the Fantasia Skin:

"A Very Beautiful. Realistic, and Natural Looking Skin -- I think that (almost) says it all :-)

The creator is obviously an extremely talented artist that loves women -- the female form and face. There is just something about this skin that gives it a natural aura -- photo-realistic but natural at the same time. A unique blend. This skin in someway fools your eye into thinking you are looking at a real person in a non-artificial way rather than an AV. I couldn't be happier with it. Great Job on this !! Thank you for bringing your art to SL."

I initially chose the fantasia skin because I had only planned on buying one skin. I felt that the Fantasia Skin was very versatile. In Real Life I would feel as comfortable using the Fantasia make-up at a Sunday local flea market as I would wearing it at the most formal of affairs. The essence skin is somewhat different, I feel it is a more sophisticated look. It is a make-up that would befit a high-level female executive at work or if you just wanted to look beautifully sophisticated throughout the day. It is an extremely beautiful skin. It is appropriately named. It is sophisticated but subdued -- the essentials of a a wonderful adult make-up without the extra glare that a teenager might wear. It is another fine example of this artists wonderful works. I love it :-)

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