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Elven Ranger tagFantasy

Elven Ranger tagFantasy
Elven Ranger tagFantasy
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The elite wilderness warrior. Blend into the forests and await your prey! Or just look good when you finally decide to come out and be social with those people types. The full outfit includes top and pants, sleeves, shirt collar, flexi skirt with sword, flexi skirt without sword, sword, gauntlets, cloak and hood, and matching boots.

The sword is scripted with draw/sheath commands and animations. If you click on something it will swing the sword to attack, but it will not cause damage. Prim parts are copy/mod, scripts are copy only, system clothing copy only.

The cloak comes with a scripted hood to wear on and off. When worn, the hood will shade your face for that extra mysterious look.

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L$ 1 154

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Designs by Isaura
Designs by Isaura
Vendu par : Isaura Simons

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