Falling Sculpture
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This is the NOT resellable version of the Scripts, but it is full operative.
Here you can find a RESELLABLE version:
This is the manual for setting a "falling" structure kind.
You can build Sculptures and more things, that fall in many pieces when you go near.
The Sculpture detects the presence of Avatars and reacts falling down. Then, the pieces disappeare and another sculpture is rezzed.
-- Prepeare your Sculpture rezzed (the Sculpture with many pieces).
(Each piece you want that falls separately from the others, must be UNlinked from the others.
If the structure is totaly linked, the scripts won't work.)
-- Rezz a Box (a prim, your new RezzBox) near the Sculpture.
-- Put the Script "Rezzer" inside this RezzBox.
-- Put the Script "Sculpture Script" inside of each UNLINKED objects of the structure.
(you can also duplicate the pieces after put the script)
-- When you did it for all pieces of the Sculpture, CLICK THE BOX AND SELECT "Set" FROM THE MENU.
(REMEMBER TO DO THIS STEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D)
-- Pick up the pieces of the Sculptures (do not link up all the Sculpture!).
-- Put the saved pieces in the content of the RezzBox. You can save your RezzBox, now.
-- Click the RezzBox and select "Rezz".
-- And it's done :-D
You can use the Example included.
Click the RezzBox (only owner can access this menu).
-- Rezz: Starts the RezzBox.
-- Stop: Stop the RezzBox. No more rezzing, till you activate it again (with "Rezz").
-- Set: use this for the initial setting of the structure. After having put the script "Sculpture Script" in each objects of the structure, click the rezzBox and select "Set".
-- Invisible: to make the rezzBox Invisible. Press Ctrl + Alt + T to see invisible things.
-- Visible: to make the rezzBox Visible.
-- Impulse: you can change the force given to the pieces of the Sculpture to fall. 3.0 is the deafult value. If your pieces are small and light use value smaller, like 1.0 or less. Else use higher values.
-- nothing: does nothing, only closes the menu blue window.
ZigZag Shop
(sculpture, domino, castle, cards, fall, sensor, rezz rezzer, rezzbox, game, art, arts)