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"Firiel" elven / fairy diadem

"Firiel" elven / fairy diadem

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"Firiel" is a celtic themed elven diadem made with silver filigree, adorned with tiny brilliant drops and Inca Temple hyper-stone cabochon.
The central stone is controlled by direct click on it (either rezzed in world or worn), and it changes to one of the stones as follows (the order is as shown on the ad, from left to right):

- mother of pearls - very light, gentle and refreshing.

- moonstone - I think it's a must for any elven oriented persona. The moonstone is associated with the moon and was the stone of the goddess Diana. It is said if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion with each other.

- light precious opal - the classic and my favorite type of it. Wearing opal gives the effect of enhancing one's innate characteristics: leading to enhanced personal creativity and true spontaneous action. It aids the memory and provides faithfulness in realtionships. It is the perfect gemstone to wear in trying to become your best and to be true to yourself. The "fire" in opal represents a soft inner glow.

- boulder opal - darker and more colorful variation of opal.

- abalone - not a stone but rather an inner part of sea mollusk shell, it's is highly apprecialted by jewelry designers.

- labradorite - a fascinatingly beautiful mineral. Labradorite resonates to Archangel Raphael the Archangel of healing and love. Like "a flash of light in the darkness", Labradorite will help reveal your spiritual destiny to you. Not only will it reveal your path, but it will help you to develop the wise use of your psychic abilities so they are not abused.

- malachite - a famous and very popular semi-precious stone. Malachite is believed to be a strong protector of children. It is said to protect the wearer from accidents and protects travelers. Malachite has been used to aid success in business and protect against undesirable business associations. It is a stone of balance in relationships.

- carved jade - This gem stone is the ultimate symbol of calm and serenity. It helps bring serenity to the mind by releasing negative thoughts. A stone of balance and healing, it alleviates anxiety and fear based emotions. This particular one is carved with mayan style glyphs.

-agate- This one is classic for Ural agates of milky-floral appearance. Agates foster love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity, acceptance, courage, protection, balance, harmony, generosity, strength, security and appreciation of nature.

- lapis lazuli - heavenly blue-white... Lapis stimulates the consciousness toward the awakening of the perfection of the self. Lapis Lazuli is a powerful stone for those who seek spiritual development. It' brings mental clarity & emotional healing.

-charoite - Charoite ranges in color from light pinkish lavender to dark purple. Violet Is the color of Spirituality. One of my favorite stones as well.

-raw ruby - The energy of Ruby is intense and vivid. It is the chosen stone of Leaders, Kings and Priests for its ability to guide and help make wise and noble decisions.

The diamond drops which enhance the diadem are made with tiny subtle bling in them - which only enhance the beauty and gorgeous look of the item. If by any reason you dislike the use of bling, please IM the creator Di Yifu to replace your copy with the "bling free" one :)


The name of "Firiel" was taken from the song "The Last Ship" - one of my favorite songs of Caprice - elven music band. The song is just divine and, as well as the rest of their music, it is a great source of inspiration for my elven designs. To read lyrics and hear the mp3 sample of the song - please follow the link below:

"The Last Ship" song by Caprice-elven music


I am absolutely confident that you will love this exquisite set, but in any case my policy allows you to receive full refund providing you return the original items and show the transaction history (or slx sale history).

Enjoy another fine creation from INCA TEMPLE!

If you like this set, please consider visiting my main store where you will find vast variety of finely crafted RP jewelry and accessories for the most discriminating taste in virtually any price range!

Don't forget to look at all my items - you will certaintly find something to fall in love with in my vast variety of finest sl jewelry.
Don't hesitate to contact me with any questions or problems, I ALWAYS answer and help. If by some reason I did not answer, try again because it means only one thing- I didn't get your message :)

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 11/4/2012 de Yaelle Huntsman

I am always quite frightened when it comes to jewelry, but this diadem is a must have if you need a headpiece to complete your roleplay outfit; easily resizable via the editing menu, so you can tint each part the color you prefer ( i needed a gold style ) and the gems are juste wonderfully detailed.

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