G Général

Freya's Finest Emerald Daisy Ear rings

Freya's Finest Emerald Daisy Ear rings

❀ Low lag (1 script) re-sizer - deletable if required
❀ Copy perm
❀ Re-deliverable in-world (CVend Redelivery Terminal)
❀ Auto-unpack when worn
❀ Matching items available

Thank you for your interest!
I hope you love the jewelry as much as I do. Every piece is unique and detailed. A wide range of stones and styles are available.

The item is copy, so you can make a back-up copy.

Low lag (1 script) re-sizer - deletable if required

Market Place ANS link means re-deliveries in-world possible through any CasperVend Re-Delivery terminal.

Simply wear, and auto unpacks to your inv (no need to rez in-world)

There is a pose stand included for you to perfect the fitting.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Low lag (1 script) re-sizer - deletable if required
  • Copy Perm.
  • Re-deliverable in-world (CVend Redelivery Terminal)
  • Auto-unpack when worn
  • Matching items available