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GAS [Ladies Outfit Set #005]

GAS [Ladies Outfit Set #005]
GAS [Ladies Outfit Set #005]
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GAS [Ladies Outfit Set #005]

authentic MESH fashion
by GAS Clothing Company

This Package contains:

GAS [Ladies Shirt Agnetha - All 13 Colors w/HUD FATPACK]
13 Shirt Colors: black, blue, brown, dark pink, green, grey, orange, pink, purple, red, tan, teal, yellow
Textur Changer HUD
100% Rigged MESH
HQ Fabric Textures
5 SL Standard Sizes: XXS, XS, S, M, L
9 Fitted MESH:
- The Mesh Project (TMP)
- Maitreya Mesh Body
- Slink Physique
- Slink Hourglass
- Belleza Freya
- Belleza Isis
- Belleza Venus
- Tonic Fine Beauty
- Tonic Curvy Beauty

GAS [Ladies Jeans Annie - All 10 Colors w/HUD FATPACK]
10 Jeans Colors
Textur Changer HUD
100% Rigged MESH
HQ Fabric Textures
5 SL Standard Sizes: XXS, XS, S, M, L
9 Fitted MESH:
- The Mesh Project (TMP)
- Maitreya Mesh Body
- Slink Physique
- Slink Hourglass
- Belleza Freya
- Belleza Isis
- Belleza Venus
- Tonic Fine Beauty
- Tonic Curvy Beauty
Each Size for Flat, Mid, and High Feet.

GAS [Jeans Shorts Annie - All 10 Colors w/HUD FATPACK]
10 Jeans Shorts Colors
Textur Changer HUD
100% Rigged MESH
HQ Fabric Textures
5 SL Standard Sizes: XXS, XS, S, M, L
9 Fitted MESH:
- The Mesh Project (TMP)
- Maitreya Mesh Body
- Slink Physique
- Slink Hourglass
- Belleza Freya
- Belleza Isis
- Belleza Venus
- Tonic Fine Beauty
- Tonic Curvy Beauty

This Outfit Pack contains two or more single items. Please rez and unpack the different bags to get separate folders of each item. This makes it more easy to use it in your inventory.

All Items copy/no transfer/no mod - unless notes otherwise! - so i cant take it back and pay refund.

Please try a demo before buying if avail. If you need any assistance, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • OUTFIT PACK: 3 Items inclusive!
  • All Items with Texture Changer HUD!

L$ 250

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


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GAS Clothing Company
Vendu par : GASCC2013

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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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