Gift Seaweed Sonnet Yellow Rose Rug
A gift from Seaweed Sonnet, A yellow rose rug. Inspired by the old song The Yellow Rose Of Texas and by the fact that the yellow rose symbolizes friendship and good health. This rug is meant to show friensdhip and well wishes to those in Texas going through the flooding and devastation of Hurricane Harvery ,
PS. The color of the rose is very bright,if you prefer it a little more toned down you can put a gray overlay on it in the textures edit.
The rug has a crease which can be modified in edit to be either really noticeable or completely flat and both a flat version of the rug and a creased version are already included. The land impact at the size provided is 1 but if the rug is modified larger the land impact can increase also.
- Low land impact mesh
- Can be copied and modified
- Both a creased and uncreased version included
- High resolution texture
Thank you!
Thank you for creating this, the sentiment is greatly appreciated.
-ls/cm (Houston, TX)