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Gift-Seaweed Sonnet Yin Yang Garden Flowers Rug

Gift-Seaweed Sonnet Yin Yang Garden Flowers Rug

A gift from Seaweed Sonnet a yin yang garden flowers rug. It can be copied and modified, and has a crease which can be modified in edit to be either very noticeable, or completely flat . Both a flat and a creased version of the rug are already included for your convenience. The land impact of the rug as provided is 1, but if the rug is modified larger , the land impact might increase also .

PS. if you purchase my rug remember to leave me a review . Thank you,

  • Low land impact mesh
  • Can be copied and modified
  • High resolution texture
  • Both a creased and an uncreased rug included

L$ 1

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Seaweed Sonnet
Seaweed Sonnet
Vendu par : Elinah Iredell

Terrain requis

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

empty star empty star empty star empty star empty star
0 Avis
Droits :
  • Copier
  • Modifier
  • Transférer
  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
Réexpédition automatique
Maillage : intégral
Impact sur le terrain : 1