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!Kushi! GoldFeatherPair512x480 Textures -WEAR TO UNPACK

!Kushi! GoldFeatherPair512x480 Textures -WEAR TO UNPACK
!Kushi! GoldFeatherPair512x480 Textures -WEAR TO UNPACK
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A fun, trim / embellishment of a pair of feathers in solid gold.

~ 1 Gold Feather Pair 512x480 Embellishment / Applique / Trim / Ornament/ Brooch Alpha Textures
~ Normal & Specular Maps for materials effect.

Customer Group Members receive:
- 20% discount on all purchases at any in world store
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- exclusive group only textures
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- early notice of new releases including limited editions

If you use textures or mesh, why aren't you a member? Just search groups for 'Kushi Textures' and join up.

Kushi Textures are for use within Second Life for all builds such as furniture, clothing, buildings and other objects.

Unique seamless textures with full permissions (please read license and copyright conditions before purchase or use)

Please contact Kushi Vyper for support and post a review if you like this product.

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  • Plus Normal (Bump) and Specular (Shine) Maps
  • Full Permission
  • ALPHA background
  • Materials Ready

L$ 50

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Kushi Textures & Mesh
Kushi Textures & Mesh
Vendu par : Kushi Vyper

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  • Soumis à licence utilisateur
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