G Général

Golden Primrose Fighting dagger {Unity Maxim} box

Golden Primrose Fighting dagger {Unity Maxim} box


The Golden Primrose fighting dagger.
A elegant weapon fighting dagger to have at ya side.

Using the Unity Maxim Melee scripts.
Resize scripted

  • weapon mesh form Flecha Warwillow
  • Uses Unity Maxim Melee Script Kit v1.2
  • Resize scripted
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star empty star
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Nice for the price!
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 9/9/2024 de Carmen Fairelander

Its scripted which is great. It's got a nice unsheath, sheath and melle swiping animations. Easy to use little hud. Textures on the sheath are a little missmatched when the dagger is sheathed. It's also a bit too large on a 6 foot avatar. But you can't modify the size. Amazing price though.

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