Graffitiwear Crochet Bikini Top Fatpack
Fatpack of 8 system bikini-style tops include appliers for *Omega, Physique & TMP. A hand drawn original design created with exclusive Graffitiwear textures.
Omega appliers* work with most mesh body parts (Lolas, Phat, Ghetto, Brazilia) as well as mesh bodies including Lena, Eve, Maitreya Lara, Belleza Venus, Freya, Isis, Perfect Body, Fusion, Brazilia Doll, uLukie, Tonic and many others.
*Mesh body or body part will require an Omega kit or relay HUD, which can be purchased from the Love-N-Lust store or in Graffitiwear's main store in world. For more information about omega please visit
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Appliers for Omega, Physique, TMP
L$ 550
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