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Graffitiwear Pastel Overall Dress

Graffitiwear Pastel Overall Dress

100% original overall mesh dress comes with a HUD of 6 dresses. Includes an optional white lace BOM (system) tintable tube top,

> Maitreya & Petite
> LaraX & Petite
> Legacy
> Reborn
> Prima Busty & Petite

Created with 100% original mesh and original Graffitiwear textures.

Please try the demo before buying. All sales are final.


Graffitiwear is an established brand in Second Life since 2010. Specialized in original clothing designs and accessories for male and female avatars.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Maitreya & Petite, LaraX & Petite, Legacy, Reborn, Prima Busty & Petite
  • HUD of 6 Dresses

L$ 99

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


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Vendu par : Chalice Piers

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