It gives a special feeling to live near the sea. The weather is felt more, the gulls with calls. The sea is always there, wild and untamed, yet reliable.
Our Coastal Living room Set was made for people who either live near the sea, or just like the recapture the feeling.
It also fits perfectly in our line of New England / coastal houses.
The Whole Set consists of 16 Items, who are available separately, as well as together.
With this pack you get a lovely Side table (3 Prim), with a vase filled with gorgeous orchids (11 Prim).
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Lovely Sidetable (only 3 Prim)
- Vase with Orchids (11 Prims)
- Realistic look, fullprim, no Alphas
- an exotic touch!
- fits to our coastal houses