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Hello Bebe - Baby Bath Tub

Hello Bebe - Baby Bath Tub
Hello Bebe - Baby Bath Tub
1 Avis

Hello Bebe - Baby Bath Tub

Please check out the video:


• Highly Customizable 6 Color Options for several parts! •

Colors: Blue, Green, Pink, Purple, Yellow and White

Parts you can customize separately:
- Tub
- Rack
- Diaper Changer
- Diaper Changer Matress
- Bath Cushion
- Tub Support Joints
- Tub Support Metal
- Towel

• Realistic Bath Routines with sequences •

- Laying Bath -
The complete bath sequence using the bath cushion, perfect for more relaxing moments and for younger babies

- Sit Bath -
The complete bathing sequence where baby is sitting and playing during the bath, perfect for energetic and older babies.

-After Bath Routine-
The routine of drying the baby with a towel, applying baby powder, putting on a diaper and using a lotion on the baby's body. Its performed after both types of bath.

- Diaper Changer -
The changing a diaper routine without the need for a bath. Diaper removal, cleaning, baby powder and a putting on a new diaper animations are performed.

• 100% Original mesh and animations
• Fits Toddleedoo and Lullabeebs

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My favourite bathtub
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 29/12/2022 de thegeekwithglases1999

I love using this bathtub for my babies, especially when you can do everything on one single item, it saves me using my other changing table! I highly recommend this for those who need a genuine bathtub for their babies!

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L$ 700

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Hello Bebe
Hello Bebe
Vendu par : HelloBebe

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