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[HkPk] Maned Wolf for Cerb/Anima - Orange

[HkPk] Maned Wolf for Cerb/Anima - Orange

We are pleased to bring you our Cerberus Coyotl & Anima Fox Compatible Maned Wolf mods! Below is requirements and the included contents. Enjoy *Oink*

!!! This is NOT a full avatar!!!

Each color includes:
• 2 different sets of eyes
• Neck fixers [Male/Female]
• The Skin [Male/Female]
• 2 Head BoM Tattoos
• 6 Mouth BoM Tattoos
• Debug Textures for Heads, Ears and Tails
• Debug Textures for Mouths

This is a MOD you will need the following to complete the look:

Cerberus Coyotl:

Anima Fox:


If you're interested in where I got my hair or parts shown in the ad, here are the following links:


Have a problem with a product? Need answers fast? Join our discord!

I also own Caboodle;


All skins, textures and parts are of the highest quality. If you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to contact Braelynn Darkstone

Mainstore located in Neptune

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