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Honey Jar Kit

Honey Jar Kit

Hi and thank you for purchasing this / these item(s).

Now, it's extremely important for you to understand that these maps & textures are now yours under licence & as such you can make and sell what you want with them, but, it is important for you to realise the below, the serious bit:

Terms & Conditions:

- The texture(s) / item(s) included in your purchase(s) from me are not for individual repackaging or reselling;

- You are allowed to use the texture(s) / item(s) in your own builds / creations and put those builds/creations up for sale;

- I am NOT entitled to any ongoing payment for you using the texture(s) / item(s) you purchased from me. (Yes, I have been asked this);

- By purchasing this item, you have agreed to not violate this Disclaimer. Any violation will result in a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) action notification being sent out;

- I / we will pursue violators;

- Please respect these terms , do not repackage, re-sell, redistribute, gift, or include in 'freebie' packs;

- Please ensure that if the item you purchased from me is accessible by your buyer, the permissions you have set do NOT include "Copy" and "Transfer", your build should be set with only one of those options;

- Scripts included in your builds from this pack should be set to copy or transfer. No Modify rights should ever be set for scripts;

- Finally, if you want to export this item to another virtual world, you have my permission to do so, however, the same terms and conditions apply as those described above in that new virtual world.

For the purposes of placing textures onto the sculpted items, please see the example build caller Honey Jar (Example Build).

If sculpted prims take their time to look correct to you please read the notecard enclosed called: Sculpties unclear? Read this (LOD)

Thank you for looking and if you purchased this item on MarketPlace I would appreciate you leaving some feedback. If there are any issues you want resolving prior to doing that, please feel free to IM me and I'll do my best to resolve any problems you may be having.

Take care, enjoy your building and have a great SL,

Aragon Sommer.

  • Make & sell your own Honey Jars
  • Kit contains: 2 x sculpty maps; 2 x textures (all full perms)
  • Exampe builds included (mod & copy - no trans)
  • Great for farm house tables & other decorative needs
  • Please stick to the licence and Terms & Conditions
Note moyenne : full star full star full star full star full star
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Great set
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 12/9/2020 de Dedrie Bailey

Easy to use, if your looking for something like this , grab it

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