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@->~ISD Martian Fire Flower ~ Mountain Red

@->~ISD Martian Fire Flower ~ Mountain Red
@->~ISD Martian Fire Flower ~ Mountain Red
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“It’s alive!” protested the Martian, laughing more now. “Oh, you’re quite wrong. See all the carnival lights? There are beautiful boats as slim as women, beautiful women as slim as boats, women the color of sand, women with fire flowers in their hands. I can see them, small, running in the streets there. That’s where I’m going now, to the festival; we’ll float on the waters all night long; we’ll sing, we’ll drink, we’ll make love, Can’t you see it?”
— 'August 2033 - Night Meeting', The Martian Chronicles

Once growing wild in small, semi-migratory clusters across the landscape, fire flowers were completely domesticated many millennia ago. The semi-crystalline root bears only one photoluminescent flower in its life, but undergoes a cycle of regenerative self-pollination. Planted, a fire flower can stay in bloom for dozens of years. But if not returned to soil or water soon after picked or disturbed, the root begins secreting a chemical flame lighter than pure alcohol, burning away too quickly to harm skin. Only by releasing this chemical fire can fire flowers become seed-roots and flower again. If not released, the chemical fire eventually dissolves the organic parts of the root and dies.

Fire flowers were cultivated for festivals and picked for romantic meetings by moonslight, the spent seed-roots replanted for the next season. With the unfortunate passing of the Martians, fire flowers quickly passed away as well with no one to properly harvest and replant the seed-roots.

The flower comes as both a single flower that can be rezzed or worn and flower in marble water bowl. Both versions are copy/mod. The single flower is 5LI at default size, the water bowl version 10 LI. Available in Canal Blue, Desert Orange, Mountain Red and a complete pack.

** Individual parts have different transparency settings and minimum sizes. Always make copies before attempting to fit/modify. **

Created for A Tattered Page, a literary-inspired event hosted by Cursed Events.

The second round is works created by drawing inspiration from the novel 'The Martian Chronicles' by Ray Bradbury.

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  • Delivered in folder - Wear/Rezz from inventory
  • Unrigged mesh
  • Scripted particle flame with toggle command

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Vendu par : Stacey Farspire

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