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Inochi Trees - Artsy Pine - Bright - 1 Prim

Inochi Trees - Artsy Pine - Bright - 1 Prim
Inochi Trees - Artsy Pine - Bright - 1 Prim
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Sold individually at a great low price so you can mix and match, and build your pine forest exactly the way you want it!

We have both natural looking and stylized trees in several tones! Please check out the alternate pics for close up shots.

We strive to keep all of our trees low prim, resizable, and transferrable!

To see this item inworld follow the link below to the Inochi Trees level.


Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Edit to resize
  • Only 1 Prim!
  • Transferrable

L$ 50

Ajout au panier comme cadeau


Inochi : Living Reef - Style - Home Decor - Botanicals
Inochi : Living Reef - Style - Home Decor - Botanicals
Vendu par : Meeko Davi

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cet article sera livré directement à vous-même ou à l'un de vos amis dans Second Life, ouvert et prêt à l'emploi. Aucun terrain ni sandbox ne sont requis.

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