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Isil Shape "LAQ Bento Cherry Head"

Isil Shape "LAQ Bento Cherry Head"
Isil Shape "LAQ Bento Cherry Head"
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Wear the shape and the brow shape.

This body was made especially for Laq Bento Cherry head and maitreya body, i think you can wear it with another mesh body, but i don't know how it will look like and it will maybe need some modifications.

If you think you are too tall or slimmer, curvier ... etc, as the shape is mod you have the possibility to adjust it as your preferences.
The brow are also mod.

Have fun and look Sublime ☺

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  • Shape
  • feminine
  • maitreya
  • for LAQ Bento Cherry Head

L$ 99

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Vendu par : Ticha31

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