G Général

Juanos Chestnut Pinto Pony Version V.3

Juanos Chestnut Pinto Pony

Another fine product from Juanos Designs. We hope you will enjoy this horses as much as we enjoyed creating it for you. We've taken your favorite products of ours and made it even better!

Please not this is a pony and designed for kids or smaller avatars. Please search Tristan Juanos for the adult version.

Also comes with a double rider to enjoy with a friend!

Expanded menu options with this release:
* 12 blanket textures
* Custom Animations for doing tricks while riding, walking beside your horse, rear up and riding.
* Built in height adjustment

Other Horse Features:
* Detailed horse textures taken from RL horses to provide for a more realistic looking horse.
* Legs, ears and tail are fully animated.
* Legs move while riding and do random stomp animations while idling.
* Head is fully animated to look around while idling.

Take one home with you today! I promise you wont regret it. Be sure to check out other fine Juanos Designs products on Marketplace.

  • Interchangeable saddle styles – With or without saddlebags - Or go bareback
  • Rear up and Side Lean Animations While Riding
  • Enjoy walking instead of riding? Walk With Your Horse
  • We've Updated Our Horse Textures - More Realistic
  • 3 speeds - Walking, Gallop and Run
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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 25/11/2013 de thelimon

really not happy! the size of the horse does not adjust it is always a meter up from the ground with looks stupid and it is really hard to control where it goes! waste of money!!!!!

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