A cozy nook for reading or cuddling.
This item is made with the best mesh and textures SL has to offer and consists of 1 item which is:
1 nook
- mesh
- 2 spots to sit ( single and couples)
- 56 single animations , 114 couple animations
- land impact 15
- copy, mod
Some animations give a prop to use. Simply click "yes" on the pop up and the prop attaches - and then disappears when you change to a new animation! No more trawling through your inventory to find the prop!
We offer furniture, landscaping items, some houses, pools, custom builds and decorating advice.
- Menu Driven Animation Change
- Copy and modify
- 3 different versions included
- Accessories provided to interact with animations
Amazing as usual! Low prims, great animations, super-low price!
I have always bought Khargo items in-world, ever since I was introduced to them in a shopping event, but am I glad to see their MP store also! I love this item; as with all of Khargo's items, it's low prim but not so low that texture quality is compromised, with fab animations and a super-low price! I highly recommend them to everyone I know and now am pleased to leave this review for them as well!
Book Case with Cuddles
I was looking for a piece for furniture to fill a odd wall I have, This fits perfectly and had wonderful cuddles to boot. The textures are really nice!