G Général

Kayak v15 (No need to Rez)

Kayak v15 (No need to Rez)

Kayak v15 (No need to Rez)

* No need to Rez but Wear(attach) only for riding.
* No need to keep on pressing any key to keep on going straight.
* 4 adjustable speed.
* 4 speed Animations + stop animation included.
* Does not fall down when collide with Ban-line unlike Rez-type
* Easier to go across the Sim border than Rez-type vehicles.

For any information, please send a Note-Card in world to Kimiko Dover
(I am not good at Chat in English)

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it's ok for the price
full star full star full star empty star empty star Publié le 18/6/2011 de Camalus Osmus

does what it says, sadly no sounds or effects at all

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