Hi! Thanks for your interest in Little Llama!
Please note that this is one of my first mesh items and I will admit there are some mistakes and it's not very good. So as I am learning I am offering my creations at a discounted price so that other kids can have some sorta-nice things without spending a lot. I will keep practicing and hope to make much higher quality mesh in the future.
As this is a mesh item, the LI can change if you change the size. This is important since most homes have a limited number of prims available. 1LI = 1 prim of your land count. Making this item bigger could result in a higher LI. This is a standard that SecondLife has set and unfortunately nothing I can do about.
If you have any questions or problems please send an IM to Persey Garcia and have a great day!
Don't believe for a minute that it "isn't very good", it's great!