This cart is 1 driver(=passenger/rider) only for small and slender horses , 1 driver and one passenger for larger and big horses and comes at a Landimpact of 12, what also gives you the opportunity to use it as decoration even at a small , lowprim area .
I made the Liverpool Gig to replicate a RL everyday horse cart.
A gig is a very compact yet elegant horse cart usually for one driver only because of its size. It as well is buffered , so it is very comfortable in use . It has been driven a lot by women in the past centuries , the roomy seat was nice to keep the skirts from wrinkling. A little baggage could be stored under the seat , where there was a shutter.
This explicit model comes with minimal attached bumpers under a full wood main cab ,a so - called swinging cab. The step in the front is another striking feature of this gig as are the large, elegant wheels and its slighty "slipstream" design.
I reduced the cart to its main features keeping land impact and easy handling in mind.
The cart has materials enabled which are carefully adjusted to enhance the cart's specific look. To see it in its full beauty please enable Advanced Lighting Model in your viewers graphic preferences. If you like to give the cart your own look by changing the textures please bare in mind that it is advanced materials you will have to change.
The Landimpact the cart adds to your horse when linked and rezzed is the one shown on the decor cart in the pack.
The ME_Liverpool Gig in all its color options comes for :
Shetland - 1 rider
Arabian - 1 rider
Connemara - 1 rider
Clydesdale - up to 2 riders
Friesian - up to 2 riders
Pegasus - up to 2 riders
Hannoveranian& American Paint - up to 2 riders
Fjord - up to 2 riders
For the lovely horse avatars is a pack coming separately. Adjustment to fit the carts properly to a horse avatar WILL be necessary.
You can find the carts and more on my marketplace :
Voir l'article dans Second Life- fully functionable
- quick setup
- multiple versions included
- materials enabled
- detailed manual included