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MESHCENTER - Jackob beige leather full outfit woman Version 3.0

MESHCENTER - Jackob beige leather full outfit woman

The Jackob white/cream leather full outfit woman woman is a rigged MESH, that comes in standard sizes (more info and a copy of the standard sizes: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Standard-Sizing-Package/2894727).

Some info about mesh in general:

Mesh items require the use of a mesh enabled viewer The official. Second Life viewers 2 and 3 and some 3rd party viewers (list of 3rd party viewers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory) are mesh compatible.

Mesh clothing is rigged to make sure it works with avatar movement. A rigged mesh item can not be resized nor repositioned. You can however attach
it to any attachment spot and it will always go to the right place.

Because rigged mesh items can not be resized, we offer them in different sizes. Our sizes are based on the 'standard sizes' that you can find here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Standard-Sizing-Package/2894727. Rigged meshes will automatically adapt to certain shape-sliders, while
not to others:
Body fat, breast size, butt size, belly size, muscles, love handles and saddle bags do NOT influence the mesh item. All length sliders, body thick, hip and shoulder width DO influence the mesh item

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Not white at all
full star full star full star empty star empty star Publié le 5/7/2014 de Ilamoon

First the positive. The outfit is gorgeous and fits perfectly, even for a small breasted woman like me. So for that it gets the three stars.
The cons: It's gray, no other word to describe it, It's just gray. I have a pair of cream leather boots that are whiter. Should be retitled as a Gray suit or fixed to be actually white.
Suggestions: First a Demo would have been nice. Then I could see the color was off and tried the individual pieces rather than the set. A HUD or a way to adjust the color would be nice but I know a lot of designers don't care to do that.
I will contact the designer and see if it can be brightened up.

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