G Général

ME_Sulky Hano/Paint/Fjord

ME_Sulky Hano/Paint/Fjord

This cart is 1 driver(=passenger/rider) and comes at a Land-impact of 9.

I made this Sulky Cart to replicate a RL harness race horse cart.
A Sulky is a race cart developed for harness races. It is ultra light in design , made for explicit flat race only, basically just two wheels with a seat on top the Jockey sits very close behind the Race horse hind legs .
I reduced the cart to its main features keeping land impact and easy handling in mind.
The cart has materials enabled which are carefully adjusted to enhance the cart's specific look. To see it in its full beauty please enable Advanced Lighting Model in your viewers graphic preferences. If you like to give the cart your own look by changing colors.

Read the manual carefully, work along it.
Read troubleshooting paragraph as well, those things can happen, after all this is SL, and we know it has its own way to behave.
Before you are getting annoyed, helpless, angry if something is not working after you worked along with this notecard.... please IM me or send a notecard with brief description of the problem (screenshot always helpful) so I can have a look at it and have a chance to help.

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • automated setup
  • easy handling
  • materials enabled
  • fully functional
  • sounds included