Aircraft: J-10C Vigorous Dragon
Paint Scheme: PLAAF 131st Regiment 'Great Red Eagle', 44th Division
External Stores: PL-10 Air to air missile; GB-500 Laser guided bomb; HF-7 FFAR Launcher
*Notice: The models of all Missles, Pods or other External stores do NOT have any functions.
No HUD included.
Land Impact: 64Li
Length: 16.43m
Wingspan: 9.75m
VICE Combat Weapon:
Missile, Unguided Bomb, Rocket, and Gun.
Special Effect Performance:
Smoke. 3 colors. White, Red and Blue;
FFAR Volley
-MFFK- J-10C Vigorous Dragon -VICE
PLAAF Standard Numbers.
Aircraft Chat-Commands
Aircraft could be [Copy] and [Modify]; Scripts only [Copy].
Pilot sitting position could be adjusted by moving the linked-object named "sitter" manually:
1, Use Ctrl+Alt+T to show all transparent objects. It would be easier to find the object, but not necessary;
2, Right click the plane, choose "Edit";
3, Check "Edit linked";
4, Click the transparent box in the cockpit. Its name is "sitter";
5, Adjust its position to fit your avatar.
If you need any help, please call Cindy (mofafeikou Resident).
Love it!
A super fun to fly aircraft. Fairly easy to pick up and performs brilliantly. Even handles the sim crossings well!
A truly amazing product. I love it!