MocapAnimations BellyDance BENTO Dance Pack!
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MocapAnimation's Shop presents...BELLYDANCE!!!
The animations are made with a profesional Motion Capture System, as profesional as our actors and dancers,
this results in products with a very high degree of quality, come to our virtual store and see it for yourself.
• 11 amazing BellyDances.
• Long loops, almost 60 seconds each.
• BENTO hands animation included.
• It comes with a beautifull HUD, you can invite up to 20 persons, instructions included.
• COPY, only InWorld you can find a COPY & MODIFY Pack.
• The pack has a 20% discount.
• JUST FOR GROUP 33% DISCOUNT INWORLD, and 20% if you buy the animations separately.
And please, feel free to leave a review, for better or worse, feedback helps us improve.
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Voir l'article dans Second Life Afficher la vidéo view_wishlist: Voir et partager votre liste de souhaits »This is what we call a PROFESSIONAL Bellydance Pack
I'm amazed at how REALISTIC these dances, are first of all which professional was behind the motion capture its amazing, the hips, the locks, the isolation we can dance pretty much every style with this fabulous and glamorous pack, saidi style, egyptian style, drum solos, baladi style its such a versatile pack I would recommend very very much a must have !
I am impressed. Even the flexi skirt I wear moves along with the shimmies, the hips are real. This package also comes with head banging and hair toss in some of the dances, which is very cool and realistic. So many turns also, not only in 1 spot. I love this. It looks even more beautiful and natural when you dance with flexi skirt and flexi hair. Nice job.